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Inherited Biases Within Your Data

Dealing With AI Biases Part 2: Inherited Biases Within Your Data

AI bias problem is currently being thought of as a data problem. And to a large extent, if we can fix the biased data, we would’ve addressed most of the AI biases. However, not all biases are bad. In fact, biases are often introduced in training data to improve the performance of the trained model.

Acknowledging your AI is Bias

Dealing with AI Biases Part 1: Acknowledging the Bias

Today, most AI practitioners in the industry are treating AI bias as a data problem. To a large extent, if we can fix the biased data, we fix the AI bias problem. However, fixing the biased data is not the only way to address the problem.

Building a Unique Moat - Part 3: The PROS Differentiation

Building a Unique Moat – Part 3: The PROS Differentiation

PROS has fortified its market position through a combination of common moats. With a renowned brand, proprietary AI, strategic customer relationships, and robust R&D investment, we stand as a formidable player. But PROS also has a very distinctive moat – the unique synergy between our Travel and B2B.

Building a Unique Moat - Part 2: Not All Moats Are Created Equal

Building a Unique Moat – Part 2: Not All Moats Are Created Equal

The simple and fundamental truth is that not all moats are created equal. The traditional barriers to entry, such as brand recognition, network effects, and economies of scale, while effective in their own right, are still vulnerable to the relentless march of time and competition. Nvidia and TSMC had developed highly unique moats.

Building a Unique Moat - Part 1: Common Strategies

Building a Unique Moat – Part 1: Common Strategies

Most successful companies that stand the test of time usually have some kind of moat. Cost (economy of scale, efficient supply chain, low-cost supplier, efficient operation), intangible assets (brand, regulation, IPs), and switching cost (network effect, integration complexity) are some common moat strategies.

Designing Your Gamification Ranks to "Flow"

Designing Your Gamification Ranks to “Flow”

Have you ever experienced a time when you were so immersed in what you were doing that you forgot about your physical feelings and the passage of time? This highly rewarding mental state is known as flow, and it is studied and characterized by a renowned psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.